Sunday, March 21, 2010


I have come to realize I use nicknames an awful lot with the ones I love... both human and animal alike. I hear them from others as well. Just thought I would share some that get used by me and around me on a daily basis. Some will be spelled out how they are pronounced so you understand exactly what each person/animal is called. Also, I'm not going to go into detail as to why some of the nicknames are what they are, but the ones that make you go "Hmmm..." are the best!!! :)

Matt -- Matty Fry, Matty Matt, and Steve (kids' favorite)
Hailey -- Hay, Hah-lay-lee, Rockin' Betty
Logan -- Low-gon-nah Louise, Darth Logan
Jayden -- Jayd, Jaydee-Bug
Billy -- Billy Boy
A group of kids -- Children of the Corn (Most often Hailey & Logan)
Quinton -- Q, Q-man
Sloan -- Sloany Bologna, Sloany B
Xena -- Nar, Zee-nar-nar, Bubble Gyna
-- Lolo, Goblin Ears, Sticker Bell
Lyra -- Princess Lyra (Matt's name for her, not mine!)
Mom -- Mama Sue
Nicki -- Nick, Nicki of the Corn (Logan's for me, playing off of what I call them)

I guess I should add that even the dogs know their nicknames. All their nicknames! You would think an animal wouldn't understand having 3-4 names that they are called, but our girls do. Just the proud mama coming out in me :)