Saturday, May 30, 2009

Trip Back to Iowa

Weekend full of . . .

Although Grandma Dyke wasn't sure who any of us grand kids were at first, it took only five minutes or so of talking before she came around and was awake enough to remember us. Mentioning strawberry shortcake helped too. For someone who doesn't eat much anymore strawberry shortcake sure did hit the spot!


Friday night we went uptown to our cousin's 30th birthday. Megan and her folks
were quite surprised to see me there since they didn't know I would be in town. I was also able to see a lot of old high school friends and catch up a bit. Besides being exhausted from our long drive all in all it was a great evening.

Saturday was all about Jayden and Billy. The girls went to "Night at the Museum 2" and the boys to "Terminator Salvation" up in Council Bluffs. It is a wonderful movie theater with a great atmosphere. Honestly, it is the coolest one I have ever been to. Not to mention $4 matinee showing before noon!! Afterwards, we went to the Omaha Humane Society. It's a mansion of sorts, for animals waiting to be adopted. Matt has never seen one quite like it. Although we weren't planning to adopt anything, it was humbling knowing that the animals we saw would be saved, thanks to all the hard work of the volunteers, the humane society, and the donations made to the "no kill" shelter. Later that evening we grilled out, opened gifts, and ate some delicious birthday candied apples compliments of the Sullivan family(thanks guys)!

Guitar Hero Aerosmith, was Billy birthday gift from Matt and I. Of course we had to have family Guitar Hero Night!

Too many animals!! Beside what we saw at the Omaha Humane Society, we had a number of pets to keep us company over the weekend
Toots (beagle) and Jasmine (cat) kept us entertained much like our own dogs back in Illinois. Although I do not have any pictures of Mariah (Billy's Lab) we did meet her at the front door Monday as we were saying good bye. She escaped from her kennel and came up front to play with Toots. After wrangling her and getting a leash on her we headed toward the back to for a drink of water. Mariah is just like our Xena, she was so hot that she decided to dig and splash around in her water dish instead of drink. If we ever got Mariah and Xena together, I think they'd have a blast!

Bobo (schnauzer & Jayden b-day gift when she turned 3) was actually clean for once and was allowed to cuddle up on my lap. Tinkerbell (a.k.a Tink & "Hard Ass") wasn't as feisty toward Matt as she usually is. Weighing in at no more than one pound, Tink is dominate over all the big dogs in the house. Tank (boxer) was singing to Matt Monday morning before we left. Chloe (American Bull Dog) is the new member to Jayden's clan. Although she is only 4 months old, she is nearly the size of Tank. She still has a lot to learn, but she is one beautiful dog!

Thanks to you all for sharing your secondary children with us. They reminded so much of Halo and Xena, it made being away from them a little bit easier! :)

As always, Matt and I tried to pack in as much as we could in the short amount of time we had. I guess Mom and Jayd just couldn't cut it!

Billy was first to get his shaggy curly mop cut. Then it was my turn for some color and few strategic highlights. Lastly, Jayden twisted her Mom's arm into coloring her hair red (looks like a dark brown with hint of red.) Yes, she wanted to be like Aunt Nicki! How on earth could you blame her?! ;)

Jayden filled every waking moment with some sort of entertainment. She says the funniest things, has a million and one faces, is the most flexible and limber child I have ever met, and is so lovable. Yes I'm just a wee bit biased. What can I say, I love her to pieces!!

. . . time well spent!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Stepping Stones

Not quite a year ago, a friend of mine asked me if I would be interested in painting a couple stepping stones as a birthday gift. Although I had never done such a thing, nor had I ever painted a dog, I was up for the challenge.

After completing the stones that were given as a gift to her niece, I was then asked to paint a couple for my friend. Thank goodness she wasn't in a hurry for them; I got overwhelmed with many different projects and just now got them done (10 months later). Seriously, this is why people need to set a date of completion. I tend to procrastinate. I just wanted to share some recent artwork no matter how simple it may be.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Water Balloon Baseball

Anyone up for a game of Water Balloon Baseball?!

Up to bat . . . waiting for the pitch.

Swings and makes contact. Look at that balloon wobble!

Hitting with force = explosion over your head.

Since it finally got hot this week and wasn't raining outside, Quinton and I spent most of our days out doors playing. With sweat rolling off my brow, and pouring down Quinton's face, we needed something fun that would cool us down. Popsicles are so over rated (not really but it's fun to say) and Q doesn't care to have his face sprayed by the sprinkler. Needless to say, we filled up water balloons. I didn't have any spare clothes, so throwing them at me wasn't an option. Tossing them at the tree is only fun for so long. That's when I asked Q-man if he'd like to play Water Balloon Baseball. I don't think anyone has seen a three year old hit the way Quinton can. I mean he rarely misses and cranks them balls over the fence all the time. Water Balloons don't sail away when they are hit. As you can imagine, they burst. Quinton got nice 'n wet, while I was able to stay dry. We both had so much fun and I am sure this will be a weekly activity, if not a daily one for the rest of the summer!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dancing to Darth

On my way home today, I took the kids into Morton to celebrate their cousin Maggie's birthday with the rest of the Sullivan family. As always I had the Backyardigans CD (includes a song from Nightwish and a couple from Star Wars) playing for Quinton's sake more than my own. When Imperial March, that's Darth Vader's theme song for those who don't know, came on I was asked to turn it up. While I was stopped at a stop light I glanced back to make sure Sloan was still okay and happy. What I saw made my day. This innocent little peanut was in the back seat, sweetly swaying from side to side to "Duh duh duh, dunt duh-na, dunt duh-na". How anyone can make that harsh sound pleasant is beyond me, but little Miss Sloan found a good rhythm and danced to it. Once Sloan realized I was looking at her, she stopped and smiled her big "Quinton smile" at me. Although I would have loved to catch this on video it would have been quite difficult (and dangerous) while driving. Maybe next time!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Halo the Chicken

Our fearless rabbit killing dog demonstrated today just why she is NOT fearless at all. Halo is all bark and no bite, unless you're a rabbit. We are talking about a dog who is scared of the kennel door slamming, a little pink Barbie car that Matt's niece pushes around on the floor, soda cans/bottles cracking, whistles, and as we just found out today . . . a basketball dribbling. As Xena lunged for the ball and would slap it back to the kids, Halo crawled up into Lonnie's lap on the bench to get as far away from the basketball as possible. The kids even stopped dribbling it and brought it within inches of her, and I'll be darn that scared-e-pants tried to climb over Lonnie and Matt's shoulders. That is what the little chicken does every time she gets scared. She comes running, for my lap most of the time, shaking like crazy. For a 45 lb dog she acts all tough, belting out the silliest bark you will ever hear, yet she gets spooked over the silliest things. Since Halo has displayed characteristics of a dog, cat and chicken . . . our question is, what breed combination is this little mutt of ours really?!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Silence of the . . . Rabbits?!

It turns out our angelic little Halo is a beastly hunter!

Peter Cotton Tail has inhabited our back yard for a few months now, escaping both our four legged children time and again. However, last night as I lay in bed nearly asleep I heard the most dreadful sound . . . the screams of a rabbit. As usual, Matt was letting the dogs out for the last time Thursday evening (11:30pm) before putting them to bed. Somehow our little girl squeezed her way through the fence where we have the electrical box isolated. Xena (she's a tank) got her head caught in the fence; unable to help Halo with the rabbit's demise. Long story short, I was able to help Matt get the girls inside so he could go put the poor creature out of its misery and end the screams we were sure the whole neighborhood could hear. Although it saddens me, I am glad we no longer have to worry about the rabbit having babies under the deck this summer. Furthermore, I hope I never have to hear the screams of a rabbit again!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Just a quick note for today. The family I nanny for got their kitchen cabinets glazed this week and I really like how it looks. I'm totally inspired to do our own!! After watching the men work and looking up tutorials (how could I possibly consider such an endeavor without going to the internet for assistance) I believe it would be an easy project to do. Not to mention an inexpensive way to update our kitchen. Poor Matt is going to be sick of my home improvement plans before I even get started. I already have plans to paint the bedroom, living and dining rooms this summer. Did I mention anything about adding baseboards to all those rooms too?! I probably shouldn't consider a new fireplace mantel, but Matt does plan on making that himself. As projects get done, I will gladly share our before and afters with you all.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wet Wednesday = "Busy Day at Work"

We woke up this Wet Wednesday to rain and watched it down pour off and on throughout the day. I swear someone was watching as I left my house this morning. I no more than stepped outside and the rain came gushing. It felt like I was underneath a waterfall. Of course it subsided once I got into my car, but unleashed its wrath once again as I pulled into Sullivan's driveway. Grrr!!

Although I was wet entering the Sullivan household, any cold feelings I may have had for the weather disappeared when I saw how excited Q was to work on his special project for mom. Yes, we're a little behind on getting her Mother's Day gift done; thank goodness she's been out of town on a mini vacation and is currently out of town for work! I'll post pictures of it in a day or two once it is all complete.

By mid morning Quinton informed me he had a "busy day at work". When I asked where he worked his response was too funny. "Nicki, can't you see? I work for Darth." He was sitting in front of his Darth Vador computer Santa had gotten him for Christmas, typing away.

I asked him if Darth Academy was doing well with its sales. "Nicki, please be quiet I am on the phone. This is a very important phone call and I need to hear them. You need to be as quiet as a mouse. Please shush!" I believe that is a combination of what he has heard from his parents and myself when he wants to speak with them while they are on a conference call. "I have so many messages I have to write down. Please be quiet, I don't want to ask you again." That statement is definitely a daily comment he hears from me! I was also informed that he had to "check one more email" before we could play.

He finished up "work" and got busy working on his special gift for mom. When I returned from lying Sloan down for a nap this was our next conversation . . .

"Ah man! I have even more work!"

"You do? Did you have a lot more calls come in?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I didn't answer the phone."

"Oh. Are you listening to your messages?"

"I only have one more voicemail left. It's sort of complicated. Once I finish with it, then we can play! Okay?"

Complicated?! What could I say to that? So I replied, "Sounds good to me."

"Nicki, I think you are pretty good at doing work. Do you want to help me? I'll get done faster if we have team work. Here, you write down the message and I'll put it onto the computer."

How could I resist such a request! Quinton's vocabulary (bold words in the conversation above) and comments while playing or having an actual conversation with someone, surprises us all each day. He picks up new words quickly and if he is unsure of their meaning, he will ask. Most often his new words are used in context which we all love!

Our Wet Wednesday ended up being a busy work day for both Q and I. I was asked to stay a couple hours late and Quinton had "work" as well as a special project that included a few different painting sessions/dry times throughout the day. I wonder if he's as exhausted as I am?!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Although I am not a mother myself, most days I feel like one. Whether I am taking care of the Sullivan kids or the Rosiere children at our house for the weekend, all whom I love and adore; being a motherly figure and role model tends to be an everyday event for me.

To the best mothers I know and love dearly . . .

Mama Sue: You have always been there for us kids. Pushing us to do better and accomplish things we would otherwise cease to do. Being that little voice in our heads, well at least mine, making sure we make the best decisions we can with everything that has and will come our way. For all that you have done, do and will do in the future, Thank You!

Kim: Not only are you a wonderful sister who is always there to lend an ear and offer support, but you are a fantastic mother. Jayden is so lucky to have you as are Courtney, Haley, Aiden, and Mariah. Be that person who they look to confide in, to trust, and to love unconditionally. Raise them up to be the adults you want them to be. I know you can and will!

Grandma D: You raised all your children so well who in return have given what I hope you consider remarkable grandchildren. You were always there for Kim and I growing up. Watching us when mom and dad had to work; being that care giver when we needed one. I have so many childhood memories that I think of on a daily basis. You helped shape me into the woman I have become, and for that I'd like to Thank You!

Grandma H: You raised 10 brilliant children all who I love and cherish. You made my mom the wonderful woman she is and I thank you for all you did for her (and the others!). I have many fond childhood memories that I think of often. Much love and thanks for everything!

Velma: You have raised a couple of amazing boys and have help shape and provide for your remarkable grandchildren as well. You are a very caring and giving person. I am so happy to have you in my life and consider you a second mother. Thank You for all you do for us kids!

. . . Happy Mother's Day! I Love You!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Weak Week

Of all ways to start off my blogging experience, I'm announcing that I have been officially sick for a week! What it is, or should I say started out as, I'm not sure. But what was a sore throat and cough has turned into a deep cough, with allergy related stuffy nose and watery eyes, as well as cramps from my least favorite visitor every month. Every time I think I am feeling better something happens to put my miserable self right back at zero. I feel very weak and have been all week. There's no better way to say it than to say it has been a "Weak Week."