Friday, May 22, 2009

Water Balloon Baseball

Anyone up for a game of Water Balloon Baseball?!

Up to bat . . . waiting for the pitch.

Swings and makes contact. Look at that balloon wobble!

Hitting with force = explosion over your head.

Since it finally got hot this week and wasn't raining outside, Quinton and I spent most of our days out doors playing. With sweat rolling off my brow, and pouring down Quinton's face, we needed something fun that would cool us down. Popsicles are so over rated (not really but it's fun to say) and Q doesn't care to have his face sprayed by the sprinkler. Needless to say, we filled up water balloons. I didn't have any spare clothes, so throwing them at me wasn't an option. Tossing them at the tree is only fun for so long. That's when I asked Q-man if he'd like to play Water Balloon Baseball. I don't think anyone has seen a three year old hit the way Quinton can. I mean he rarely misses and cranks them balls over the fence all the time. Water Balloons don't sail away when they are hit. As you can imagine, they burst. Quinton got nice 'n wet, while I was able to stay dry. We both had so much fun and I am sure this will be a weekly activity, if not a daily one for the rest of the summer!