Friday, May 15, 2009

Silence of the . . . Rabbits?!

It turns out our angelic little Halo is a beastly hunter!

Peter Cotton Tail has inhabited our back yard for a few months now, escaping both our four legged children time and again. However, last night as I lay in bed nearly asleep I heard the most dreadful sound . . . the screams of a rabbit. As usual, Matt was letting the dogs out for the last time Thursday evening (11:30pm) before putting them to bed. Somehow our little girl squeezed her way through the fence where we have the electrical box isolated. Xena (she's a tank) got her head caught in the fence; unable to help Halo with the rabbit's demise. Long story short, I was able to help Matt get the girls inside so he could go put the poor creature out of its misery and end the screams we were sure the whole neighborhood could hear. Although it saddens me, I am glad we no longer have to worry about the rabbit having babies under the deck this summer. Furthermore, I hope I never have to hear the screams of a rabbit again!!