Saturday, July 25, 2009

Someone's Still Watching

Remember the Someone Must Be Watching blog? Well I think that "someone" is still looking down on me. Although I no long feel like they are looking for humor, but rather they are testing me. Yes testing me. This has been an awful month (Matt's workman's comp case and lack of money) and last week it all came pouring down in one great big tidal wave of emotional ups and downs, sleepless nights, and even more stress.

Everyone keeps telling us things can only go up from here, but apparently we hadn't hit rock bottom yet. Early Monday morning around 2:00am I get a phone call from my little brother saying I need to get on the computer so I can talk to my sister over messenger because she was without a phone. It was a bad evening for both her and my niece, being involved in domestic violence (Kim) and witnessing it (Jayd). Matt and I had offered to let them come out and start a new life many times before, but last weekend Kim finally took us up on it. They rolled into town super late Monday night. Tuesday and Wednesday were a bit crazy with trying to get them settled into the house and all the different individual emotional roller coasters.

Thursday afternoon Matt decided to go test drive a zooped up scooter that was modified to go 60/65 mph. It doesn't have the vibrations like a motorcycle does so it was easy on his arms. On his way home the back tired blew (57 mph) and he began to fishtail. Somehow he managed to get it off the road before wrecking (38 mph). Luckily he was wearing his helmet. I received a call from Matt's brother not long after I got home from work. Getting a phone call like that was the worst. I have never been so scared in my life. My stomach dropped and my brain went blank for a split second before all the worst case scenarios started flashing in my head. We were at the hospital form about 6:30 to 11:30. After an x-ray, CT scan and MRI they finally determined that Matt had bruised ribs and a broken collar bone. He goes in Monday to the orthopedic surgeon to determine if he needs surgery. For now he is on lots of pain meds, has a butterfly brace, and tries not to move much. He needs help dressing, showering, opening pill bottles, etc. On a positive note, at least he can pee on his own :)

With about 2 hours of sleep each night during the week and maybe an hour Thursday night, I headed to work Friday to find out Q woke up puking. He had a few more puking sessions throughout the day. I hate to see him sick like that knowing there is nothing we can do to stop it. The day before he was so excited to have a lemonade stand Friday during the garage sale his parents were having. I'm sure you could imagine his disappointment. Friday felt like the longest day ever due to all the sleepless nights and stress I had been under for the week.

So whom ever is watching I would like to know if I am passing your test? Are you testing my patience, my strength, love for my family and friends? Are you trying to determine just how much you can throw at me and I can handle? I feel like I am doing well with all things considered. Have I passed your test yet, or do you have more to throw at me? At least I feel like I am some what prepared now, after the week I had, but then again you never know. . .


Keri V. said...

Oh, man!! I am so sorry to hear about all of the things that have been happening with you lately! That is awful about Kim and Jayden, no one should ever be subjected to domestic violence. I am glad that they have you to turn to.

As for the accident, Matt is very lucky! I am not sure I would have reacted much differently about the news, you always think of the worst possible scenario when something like that happens! I hope that he doesn't need surgery and that he heals quickly- give him my best.

I hope things start turning around for you! You are a very strong woman, you can get through this!