Saturday, July 11, 2009

Photo Shoot

Friday morning we headed out to Delavan about a half hour drive south. At Lake Park there is a cute little bridge surrounded by flowers which we thought would be a perfect setting to take some pictures of the kids. It was overcast which made it ideal for a photo shoot outdoors! The kids were well behaved and did most of what we asked them to. However, Logan really needs to work on his smile (looks like he is in pain too often) and Hailey the tilt of her head (didn't matter how many times we asked her to adjust it this way or that). It started to sprinkle just as we were getting ready to call it quits. I have quickly looked through my photos but not taken any time to edit or play around. Neither has Matt. But I'll post an album once we get them complete. May wait until we get family photos with their dad in the next couple weeks before posting anything. Until then, enjoy the snap shot of Matt working his magic with his camera. . . he's a wonderful photographer and understands so much more than me :)