Saturday, January 9, 2010

Turned Zombie

Matt's new thing is to turn his friends and family into zombies. It all started with a picture I took on New Years of our friend Jeff. It was a hit with our group of close friends resulting in others asking to be zombified. He has done three so far, one of myself included. Pictures taken when you are off guard or messing around seem to work the best. Go figure?! Thought I'd share Zombie Nicki with the rest of you!

It is pretty gross, but I like him using his creative side. Someone suggested he make a calendar of the zombie pics he does, which I think is a GREAT idea. I'm seeing Christmas gifts already for next year. Lord help me!! :)


Megan said...

OMG, Nick-Nick!!! This is great. Do you think Matt would do this to a pic of Mark for me. Mark has a "minor" obsession with zombies and would absolutely LOVE this!!! HUGS- Megan