Sunday, December 20, 2009

Another Month Neglected

Well it look like another month has slipped by me, without a post. If things could be any busier?! Oh wait, they are and will be for the next 2-3 months. Life doesn't slow down and I for some reason can not force myself to make time to keep up with these posts. I had so many ideas for them but nothing ever came of it. Go figure. As an early New Year resolution, I plan to be more consistent with the blogs. No guarantees in January or February, but after that I will stick to it. Most of you know why those two months are not in the resolution. If they were it would be broken on January first!

I do plan to put up a Christmas Blog with pictures and hopefully will get some up from Thanksgiving when we celebrated Christmas with my family. If time would just slow down or if we could just gain a few hours each day...